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deBridge cross-chain bets

deBridge cross-chain bets

The deBridge API (opens in a new tab) allows to execute bets on Polygon originating from different blockchains, such as Arbitrum.


This feature works only for Prematch Bets in Supported Blockchains (opens in a new tab)

First of all, you need to get a list of supported blockchains and tokens.

Get supported blockchains

type SupportedChainsResponse = {
  chains: {
    chainId: number
    chainName: string
const response = await fetch('')
const { chains }: SupportedChainsResponse = await response.json()

Get supported tokens

You can pick one of supported blockchains from previous step and get supported tokens:

type SupportedTokensResponse = {
  tokens: Record<string, {
    address: string
    symbol: string,
    decimals: number,
    name: string,
    logoURI: string,
    tags: Array<string>
const chainId = 42161 // Arbitrum for example
const response = await fetch(`${chainId}`)
const { tokens }: SupportedTokensResponse = await response.json()
const supportedTokens = Object.values(tokens) // list of supported tokens

Create transaction and get quotes

Now you need to generate your referral code for deBridge. Go to deBridge (opens in a new tab) website and click the REFER button after that on GENERATE. Or you can go directly to


For more information about bet transaction data check Place a Bet section.

import { encodeFunctionData } from 'viem'
type DeBridgeCreateTxResponse = {
  orderId: Hex
  estimation: {
    srcChainTokenIn: {
      address: Address
      name: string
      symbol: string
      decimals: number
      amount: string
      approximateOperatingExpense: string
      mutatedWithOperatingExpense: boolean
    srcChainTokenOut: {
      address: Address
      name: string
      symbol: string
      decimals: number
      amount: string
      maxRefundAmount: string
    dstChainTokenOut: {
      address: Address
      name: string
      symbol: string
      decimals: number
      amount: string
      recommendedAmount: string
      withoutAdditionalTakerRewardsAmount: string
      maxTheoreticalAmount: string
    recommendedSlippage: number
    costsDetails: [ string ]
  tx: {
    to: Address
    data: Hex
    value: bigint
  order: {
    approximateFulfillmentDelay: number
  prependedOperatingExpenseCost: string
  fixFee: string
  userPoints: number
  integratorPoints: number
const fromChainId = 42161 // Arbitrum for example
const fromTokenAddress = '0xfd086bc7cd5c481dcc9c85ebe478a1c0b69fcbb9' // USDT
const referralCode = '' // your deBridge referral code
const selections = [{...}] 
const rawAmount = '...'
const rawDeadline = '...'
const affiliate = '...'
const minOdds = '...'
const betData = 0x...
const params = new URLSearchParams({
  dstChainId: 137, // Polygon
  srcChainOrderAuthorityAddress: bettorAddress as string,
  prependOperatingExpenses: 'false',
  srcChainId: String(fromChainId),
  srcChainTokenIn: fromTokenAddress,
  srcChainTokenInAmount: 'auto',
  dstChainTokenOut: '0xc2132d05d31c914a87c6611c10748aeb04b58e8f', // USDT in Polygon
  dstChainTokenOutAmount: String(rawAmount),
  dstChainTokenOutRecipient: bettorAddress as string,
  dstChainOrderAuthorityAddress: bettorAddress as string,
  externalCall: JSON.stringify({
    version: 'evm_1',
    fields: {
      to: lpAddress,
      data: encodeFunctionData({
        abi: lpAbi,
        functionName: 'betFor',
        args: [
            data: betData,
  referralCode: String(referralCode), // your referral code
const deBridgeCreateTxResponse = await fetch(`${params}`)
const { 
  orderId, // deBridge order id
  estimation, // information about gas expense, etc.
  tx, // transaction data
  fixFee // deBridge fixed fee in native tokens
}: DeBridgeCreateTxResponse = await deBridgeCreateTxResponse.json()

It's necessary to use the betFor function rather than the bet function to ensure that the bettor can redeem their bet.

Send transaction and order checking


Don't forget allowance checks and tokens spending approve:

import { useWriteContract, useReadContract } from 'wagmi'
import { erc20Abi, maxUint256, zeroAddress } from 'viem'
const isNative = estimation?.srcChainTokenIn?.address === zeroAddress
const allowanceTx = useReadContract({
  chainId: fromChainId,
  address: estimation?.srcChainTokenIn.address,
  abi: erc20Abi,
  functionName: 'allowance',
  args: [
    tx?.to as Address,
  query: {
    enabled: !isNative && Boolean(bettorAddress),
    refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
const isApproveRequired = Boolean( !== undefined
  && < BigInt(estimation?.srcChainTokenIn?.amount || 0)
const approveTx = useWriteContract()
  address: estimation?.srcChainTokenIn.address!,
  abi: erc20Abi,
  chainId: fromChainId,
  functionName: 'approve',
  args: [
    tx?.to as Address,

Send transaction from another step and checking order fulfilment in interval:

enum DeBridgeOrderStatus {
  None = 'None',
  Created = 'Created',
  Fulfilled = 'Fulfilled',
  SentUnlock = 'SentUnlock',
  OrderCancelled = 'OrderCancelled',
  SentOrderCancel = 'SentOrderCancel',
  ClaimedUnlock = 'ClaimedUnlock',
  ClaimedOrderCancel = 'ClaimedOrderCancel',
enum DeBridgeExternalCallStatus {
  NoExtCall = 'NoExtCall',
  AwaitingOrderFulfillment = 'AwaitingOrderFulfillment',
  AwaitingExecution = 'AwaitingExecution',
  Executing = 'Executing',
  Completed = 'Completed',
  Failed = 'Failed',
  Cancelled = 'Cancelled',
type DeBridgeOrderStatusResponse = {
  orderId: Hex
  status: DeBridgeOrderStatus
  externalCallState: DeBridgeExternalCallStatus
type DeBridgeOrderTxResponse = {
  fulfilledDstEventMetadata: {
    transactionHash: {
      stringValue: string
await sendTransaction(tx) // send transaction
txHash - bet transaction hash in Polygon
const txHash = await new Promise<Hex>((res, rej) => {
  const interval = setInterval(async () => {
    const orderResponse = await fetch(`${orderId}`)
    const order: DeBridgeOrderStatusResponse = await orderResponse.json()
    const {
      status: orderStatus,
      externalCallState: betPlacingStatus,
    } = order
    const isBetPlaced = betPlacingStatus === DeBridgeExternalCallStatus.Completed
    const isOrderFulfilled = isBetPlaced || orderStatus === DeBridgeOrderStatus.Fulfilled || orderStatus === DeBridgeOrderStatus.ClaimedUnlock
    if (isOrderFulfilled) {
      const orderTxResponse = await fetch(`${orderId}`)
      const { fulfilledDstEventMetadata }: DeBridgeOrderTxResponse = await orderTxResponse.json()
      res(fulfilledDstEventMetadata?.transactionHash?.stringValue as Hex)
    let error = ''
    if (betPlacingStatus === DeBridgeExternalCallStatus.Cancelled) {
      error = DeBridgeExternalCallStatus.Cancelled
    if (betPlacingStatus === DeBridgeExternalCallStatus.Failed) {
      error = DeBridgeExternalCallStatus.Failed
    if (orderStatus === DeBridgeOrderStatus.SentOrderCancel) {
      error = DeBridgeOrderStatus.SentOrderCancel
    if (orderStatus === DeBridgeOrderStatus.OrderCancelled) {
      error = DeBridgeOrderStatus.OrderCancelled
    if (error) {
  }, 5000)

More api information you can find in deBridge Swagger (opens in a new tab)