Provides approximate precalculated cashout values, intended for use in the client's bets view.
You can find more information Here.
import { getPrecalculatedCashouts } from '@azuro-org/toolkit'
const { possibleWin, outcomes } = bet // user's bet
const cashouts = await getPrecalculatedCashouts({
chainId: 137,
conditionIds:{ conditionId }) => conditionId),
const totalMultiplier = cashouts.reduce((acc, { multiplier }) => acc *= +multiplier, 1)
const cashoutAmount = possibleWin * +totalCashoutMultiplier // it's precalculated cashout amount for bet
chainId: ChainId
conditionIds: string[]
type ChainId = 100 | 137 | 80002 | 88888 | 88882 | 8453 | 84532
Return Value
type GetPrecalculatedCashouts = {
conditionId: string
available: boolean // Indicates whether cashout is available for the provided condition
outcomes: {
outcomeId: number
multiplier: string
}[] | null