Developer Hub

How to become Azuro's affiliate and receive monthly rewards?

To become Azuro’s affiliated frontend and receive monthly rewards and co-marketing help, book a call (opens in a new tab) with the Azuro team. After the call, we will set up a Telegram group with our team members to give you dedicated support.

Can I start building a frontend without contacting Azuro?

Yes, our smart contracts are open and available on GitHub (opens in a new tab). Feel free to connect your project to Azuro either manually, or with the use of our SDK (opens in a new tab). We suggest you start with the Quick Start guide (opens in a new tab).

However, to be able to get rewards, we encourage you to contact us either on Discord, or by setting up a call directly with the team.

Affiliate rewards: how much do the apps on Azuro earn?

Please find the formula for calculating affiliate rewards here in the docs: (opens in a new tab). To see how much the current apps on Azuro earn each month, please refer to the Dune statistics (opens in a new tab).