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Get Odds Values

Get Odds Values

To clarify, the outcomes are linked to certain markers such that if the value of one outcome changes, all the others are affected as well. Each condition entity includes two outcomes associated with the same market, creating various possibilities for obtaining new odds values.

There are three options for fetching odds values:

Fetch multiple conditions

This option can be especially useful when you are aware that multiple conditions will undergo updates to their odds. For instance, if you have subscribed to NewBet events and are utilizing batching, you can accumulate conditions and make a request every 3 seconds.

const QUERY = gql`
  query ConditionOdds($where: Condition_filter, subgraphError: allow) {
    conditions(where: $where) {
      outcomes {
const ids ={ id }) => id)
useQuery(QUERY, {
  variables: {
    where: {
      id_in: ids,

Alternatively, you can re-fetch all conditions for a particular game, such as when a user has accessed a game page and is viewing it.

const QUERY = gql`
  query GameOdds($id: String, subgraphError: allow) {
    game(id: $id) {
      conditions {
        outcomes {
useQuery(QUERY, {
  variables: {

Call calcOdds method on the Core contract

type Outcome = {
  outcomeId: string
  condition: {
    conditionId: string
    coreAddress: string
const outcome: Outcome = ...
const coreAddress = outcome.condition.coreAddress
const conditionId = outcome.condition.conditionId
const outcomeId = outcome.outcomeId
const betAmount = '0' // when calculating the odds for outcomes, the bet amount should not be taken into account
const coreContract = new Contract(coreAddress, CORE_ABI, RPC_PROVIDER)
const odds = await coreContract.calcOdds(conditionId, betAmount, outcomeId)