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Use Cashback

Use Cashback

To use cashback, the user needs to:

  1. See the available cashback in the UI.
  2. Claim their cashback.

Fetch the available cashback

Public Request. Use the Azuro Cashback API (opens in a new tab) to retrieve cashback information for the user.

type Address = `0x${string}`
enum RestNetwork {
  PolygonUSDT = 'PolygonUSDT',
enum RestCurrency {
  USDT = 'USDT',
type RestBalance = {
  userAddress: Address
  amount: string // Available amount
  network: RestNetwork // Network name
  currency: RestCurrency // Currency name
  updatedAt: Date
const cashbackFetcher = async (userAddress: string, affiliateAddress: string, networks?: string[]): Promise<RestBalance[]> => {
  const response = await axios.get<RestBalance[]>('', {
    params: {
      userAddress, // User wallet address
      affiliateAddress, // Affiliate wallet address
  return || []

Exceptions: GET_BALANCE_ERROR - Incorrect parameters. GET_AFFILIATE_ERROR - The affiliateAddress parameter is invalid, or there is no active affiliate.

Get user cashback

Public Request.

type Address = `0x${string}`
type Hex = `0x${string}`
enum RestNetwork {
  PolygonUSDT = 'PolygonUSDT',
enum RestCurrency {
  USDT = 'USDT',
type RestCashback = {
  userAddress: Address
  amount: string // Available amount
  network: RestNetwork // Network name
  currency: RestCurrency // Currency name
  updatedAt: Date
  signature: Hex
const cashbackFetcher = async (userAddress: string, affiliateAddress: string, network: RestNetwork, currency: RestCurrency, expiresAt: Date): Promise<RestCashback> => {
  const response = await axios.get<RestCashback>('', {
    params: {
      userAddress, // User wallet address
      affiliateAddress, // Affiliate wallet address
  return || []

Exceptions: SEND_CASHBACK_ERROR - Incorrect parameters. GET_TRANSACTION_ERROR - No transactions for withdrawal. CREATE_CASHBACK_SIGNATURE_ERROR - Error creating the signature. GET_AFFILIATE_ERROR - The affiliateAddress parameter is invalid, or there is no active affiliate.

Get user cashback history

Public Request.

type Address = `0x${string}`
enum RestNetwork {
  PolygonUSDT = 'PolygonUSDT',
type RestCashbackHistory = {
  id: string,
  userAddress: Address,
  comment: string,
  offerId: string,
  campaignId: string,
  state: RestState,
  createdAt: Date
const cashbackFetcher = async (userAddress: string, affiliateAddress: string, networks?: RestNetwork[]): Promise<RestCashbackHistory[]> => {
  const response = await axios.get<RestCashbackHistory[]>('', {
    params: {
      userAddress, // User wallet address
      affiliateAddress, // Affiliate wallet address
  return || []

Exceptions: GET_TRANSACTION_ERROR - Incorrect parameters. GET_AFFILIATE_ERROR - The affiliateAddress parameter is invalid, or there is no active affiliate.