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Tutorial: Add Live to Existing dApp
Step 1: Config

Adding Live. Step 1: Config

Live Constants

Before you start implementing Live logic, make sure to update your app configuration with all the necessary constants:

 * For any production chain, liveHostCoreAddress used to detect that condition is from Live event
export const liveHostCoreAddress = '0x67Fca88E2f5F2C33b86bFa4EccfCb8dCD6a56D17'
export const liveGraphqlEndpoint = ''
export const liveWSStreamEndpoint = 'wss://'
export const azuroApiPublicEndpoint = ''
/** If you want to add testnet env in Polygon Amoy */
export const testnetLiveHostCoreAddress = '0x24b4b4ECde26B89E295d986bd5d7aF1bdCcfAa3A'
export const testnetLiveGraphqlEndpoint = ''
export const testnetLiveWSStreamEndpoint = 'wss://'
export const testnetAzuroApiPublicEndpoint = ''
export const minLiveBetAmount = '1'
 * Used in placing live bet logic
export const environmentByChainId = {
  100: 'GnosisXDAI',
  137: 'PolygonUSDT',
  /** Uncomment, if you want to add testnet env in Polygon Amoy */
  80002: 'PolygonAmoyAZUSD',
} as const
 * Core address which will be associated with placed bet
export const liveCoreAddressByChainId = {
  100: '0x0223ff7efca5aec919c471fa2eb44cda466f1500',
  137: '0xc389558Faca41bC747F763cf8616704187CDcD04',
  /** If you want to add testnet env in Polygon Amoy */
  80002: '0xEeC45059b34BF76174C4d5E495BB380F4A810F58',
} as const
 * All Live bets are executed by relayer deployed in each chain
export const liveRelayerByChainId = {
  100: '0x936c02503A32aA23BCF7CFaF5c29100b0F93FCfe',
  137: '0xC6BB817a7f02874F360d135D880200A2E440207D',
  80002: '0x2d14b12e08ED8599E020fdBC867B604Ad58F192c',
} as const
type EntityWithCoreAddress = { coreAddress: string }
* A helper method which may be useful if you would like to unify work with conditions/entities from prematch and live
* Checks if passed entity relates to Live or Prematch
* @returns {boolean}
export const isLiveEntity = <T extends EntityWithCoreAddress>(item: string | T, chainId: 100 | 137) => {
  const coreAddress = (typeof item === 'string' ? item : item.coreAddress).toLowerCase()
  return (
    // before bet, events taken from graphql
    coreAddress === liveHostCoreAddress.toLowerCase()
    // for placed bets
    || liveCoreAddressByChainId[chainId] && coreAddress === liveCoreAddressByChainId[chainId].toLowerCase()
export const getApiUrl = (chainId: number) => {
  if (chainId === {
    return testnetAzuroApiPublicEndpoint
  return azuroApiPublicEndpoint


If you're using Apollo to interact with GraphQL and "codegen" to create useQuery hooks, you need to store several clients (for prematch and live queries cache) in the Apollo context and provide which client to use in each query.

If you're not using Apollo, you can skip this section and go to the next one, just remember to execute live queries on liveGraphqlEndpoint from constants above.


See SDK implementation of ApolloProvider which includes all the features: SSR, multiple chains, prematch & live: (opens in a new tab)

import { createContext, useContext, useRef } from 'react'
import { ApolloClient, HttpLink, InMemoryCache, type NormalizedCacheObject } from '@apollo/client'
import { liveGraphqlEndpoint } from '@/config'
const getLiveLink = () => {
  return new HttpLink({
    uri: ({ operationName }) => `${liveGraphqlEndpoint}?op=${operationName}`,
const getLiveApolloClient = () => {
  const link = getLiveLink()
  return new ApolloClient({
    ssrMode: typeof window === 'undefined',
    cache: new InMemoryCache(),
    connectToDevTools: true,
    assumeImmutableResults: true,
export type ApolloClients = {
  prematchClient: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject>
  liveClient: ApolloClient<NormalizedCacheObject>
const apolloClients: ApolloClients = {
  prematchClient: null as any,
  liveClient: null as any,
export const getApolloClients = (): ApolloClients => {
  // return new clients for SSR on each session
  if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
    return {
      prematchClient: getYourExistingPrematchApolloClient(),
      liveClient: getLiveApolloClient(),
  if (!apolloClients.prematchClient) {
    apolloClients.prematchClient = getYourExistingPrematchApolloClient()
    apolloClients.liveClient = getLiveApolloClient()
  return apolloClients
const Context = createContext<ApolloClients>(null as any)
export const useApolloClients = (): ApolloClients => {
  return useContext(Context) as ApolloClients
type Props = {
  children: any
export const ApolloProvider = ({ children }: Props) => {
  const apolloClientsRef = useRef<ApolloClients>(getApolloClients())
  return (
    <Context.Provider value={apolloClientsRef.current}>