Developer Hub
🔮 For applications

ChainProvider is used for storing information about application chain as well as to provide network change functionality.


Wrap your application in ChainProvider.

import { ChainProvider } from '@azuro-org/sdk'
import { WagmiProvider, createConfig } from 'wagmi'
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { polygonAmoy } from 'viem/chains'
const wagmiConfig = createConfig(config)
const queryClient = new QueryClient() 
function Providers(props: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
  const { children } = props
  return (
    <WagmiProvider config={wagmiConfig}>
      <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}> 
        <ChainProvider initialChainId={}>

The ChainProvider requires access to the Wagmi context.

Get stored context data.

import { useChain } from '@azuro-org/sdk'
const { appChain, walletChain, contracts, betToken, isRightNetwork, setAppChainId } = useChain()

The ChainProvider stores the current chain ID in a cookie under the key appChainId to restore appChain, for example, after a page refresh.

// Next.js example for app/layout.tsx
import { ChainProvider } from '@azuro-org/sdk'
import { cookies } from 'next/headers'
export default function RootLayout(props: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
  const { children } = props
  const cookieStore = cookies()
  const initialChainId = cookieStore.get('appChainId')?.value
  return (
    <html lang="en">
        <WagmiProvider config={...}>
          <QueryClientProvider client={...}> 
            <ChainProvider initialChainId={initialChainId}>


  children: React.ReactNode
  initialChainId: ChainId // your initial chain id
type ChainId =  100 | 137 | 80002 | 88888 | 88882 | 8453 | 84532

Return Value

import { type Chain } from 'wagmi'
  appChain: Omit<Chain, 'id'> & { id: ChainId } // represents chain in whitch your application sends requests and receives data
  walletChain: Chain | undefined // user's wallet chain
  contracts: Contracts // contracts data based on appChain
  api: string // azuro api url
  environment: Environment // current appChain environment for azuro api
  betToken: BetToken // bet token based on appChain
  isRightNetwork: boolean // true if appChain equeal to walletChain
  setAppChainId: (chainId: ChainId) => void // function for change appChain
enum Environment {
  GnosisDevXDAI = 'GnosisDevXDAI',
  GnosisXDAI = 'GnosisXDAI',
  PolygonUSDT = 'PolygonUSDT',
  PolygonAmoyAZUSD = 'PolygonAmoyAZUSD',
  PolygonAmoyUSDT = 'PolygonAmoyUSDT',
  ChilizWCHZ = 'ChilizWCHZ',
  ChilizSpicyWCHZ = 'ChilizSpicyWCHZ',
  BaseWETH = 'BaseWETH',
  BaseSepoliaWETH = 'BaseSepoliaWETH'
type Contracts = {
  lp: {
    address: `0x${string}`
    abi: typeof lpAbi
  prematchCore: {
    address: `0x${string}`
    abi: typeof prematchCoreAbi
  prematchComboCore: {
    address: `0x${string}`
    abi: typeof prematchComboCoreAbi
  proxyFront: {
    address: `0x${string}`
    abi: typeof proxyFrontAbi
  liveRelayer?: {
    address: `0x${string}`
type BetToken = {
  address?: `0x${string}` | undefined
  symbol: string
  decimals: number