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Data Hooks

Wrapper over useConditions. It obtains resolved conditions and groups prematch and live markets. Should be used to show game results.


import { useResolvedMarkets } from '@azuro-org/sdk'
const { loading, error, groupedMarkets, prematchMarkets, liveMarkets } = useResolvedMarkets({ gameId: '...' })


  gameId: string

Return Value

  loading: boolean
  error: Error | null
  groupedMarkets: Market[] // grouped prematch and live markets
  prematchMarkets: Market[]
  liveMarkets: Market[]
type Selection = {
  conditionId: string | bigint
  outcomeId: string | bigint
  coreAddress: string
type MarketOutcome = {
  selectionName: string
  odds?: number
  lpAddress: string
  coreAddress: string
  status: ConditionStatus
  gameId: string
  isExpressForbidden: boolean
  isWon?: boolean
} & Selection
type Market = {
  name: string
  description: string
  outcomeRows: MarketOutcome[][]