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Use Cashout

Use Cashout

Get pre-calculation

Provides preliminary calculation and availability of cashout for conditions and outcomes Use the Azuro Cashout API (opens in a new tab) to get pre-calculation.

type MultipliersResponse = {
 multipliers: {
   conditionId: string;
   gameStartAt: number;
   available: boolean; // cashout availability flag by condition
   outcomes: {
     outcomeId: number;
     multiplier: string; // multiplier in numberString format (how to use - see below)
const cashoutGetMultipliersFetcher = async (conditionIds: string[]): Promise<MultipliersResponse> => {
  const response = await<MultipliersResponse>('', {
      conditionIds, // Condition ids
  return || []

To pre-calculate any cashout from bet, multiply the multiplier by the user's existing bet payout

Get calculation

Calculates the exact cashout amount based on the bet in the contract Use the Azuro Cashout API (opens in a new tab) to get calculation.

type CalculationRequest = {
    environment: string; // Crypto network type
    owner: string; // Bet owner address
    betId: string; // Bet ID from the Graph
    isLive: boolean; // Is the bet live flag (live is not available)
type CalculationResponse = {
    calculationId: string; // Requirements for creating a cashout
    owner: string;
    environment: string;
    betId: string;
    cashoutAmount: string; // Сalculated cashout amount
    cashoutOdds: string; // Calculated cashout as a coefficient
    expiredAt: number; // The time during which the transaction must be completed, taking into account the execution on the contract
    approveExpiredAt: number; // The time within which a request to create a cashout must be sent
    isLive: true;
const cashoutGetСalculationFetcher = async (data: CalculationRequest): Promise<CalculationResponse> => {
  const response = await<MultipliersResponse>('', {
  return || []

Create cashout

Creates a cashout based on the calculation Use the Azuro Cashout API (opens in a new tab) to create cashout.

type CreateRequest = {
  calculationId: string;
  signature: {
    verifyingContract: string; // Cashout contract
    bettingContract: string; // Bet contract
    attention: string;
    chainId: number;
    ownerSignature: number;
type CreateResponse = {
  id: string; // Cashout ID
  state: // Order state (PROCESSING, ACCEPTED, REJECTED, OPEN)
const cashoutСreateCashoutFetcher = async (data: CreateRequest): Promise<CreateResponse> => {
  const response = await<MultipliersResponse>('', {
  return || []


export const CashoutExceptionResponses = {
    code: 'cashout.get_conditions_error',
    message: "Can't get conditions",
    code: 'cashout.cashout_multiplier_not_found',
    message: 'Cashout multiplier not found',
    code: 'cashout.cashout_multiplier_not_available',
    message: 'Cashout multiplier not available',
    code: 'cashout.bet_not_found',
    message: 'Bet not found',
    code: 'cashout.bet_not_available_to_cashout',
    message: 'Bet not available to cashout',
    code: 'cashout.environment_not_available',
    message: 'Environment not available',
    code: 'cashout.calculation_not_found',
    message: 'Calculation not found',
    code: 'cashout.cashout_not_available',
    message: 'Cashout not available',
    code: 'cashout.cashout_order_already_exists',
    message: 'Cashout order already exists',
    code: 'cashout.bet_already_cashouted',
    message: 'Bet already cash-outed',
    code: 'cashout.order_not_found',
    message: 'Order not found',
    code: 'cashout.owner_signature_not_verified',
    message: 'Owner signature not verified',

Get cashout order

Gives cashout to the horde by ID Use the Azuro Cashout API (opens in a new tab) to get cashout order.

type OrderResponse = {
  id: string; // Cashout ID
  state: // Order state (PROCESSING, ACCEPTED, REJECTED, OPEN)
  txHash: string; // Transaction id
  error?: string; // Error code
  errorMessage?: string; // // Error message
const cashoutGetOrderFetcher = async (cashoutId: string): Promise<OrderResponse> => {
  const response = await axios.get<OrderResponse>('{id}')
  return || []

Error codes:

  BadData = 'BadData',
  Other = 'Other',
  RiskExceeded = 'RiskExceeded',
  BetAlreadyPaid = 'BetAlreadyPaid',
  BetAlreadyResolved = 'BetAlreadyResolved',
  BetOwnerSignatureExpired = 'BetOwnerSignatureExpired',
  BettingContractNotAllowed = 'BettingContractNotAllowed',
  InsufficientBalance = 'InsufficientBalance',
  InvalidBetOwnerSignature = 'InvalidBetOwnerSignature',
  InvalidOdds = 'InvalidOdds',
  InvalidOddsCount = 'InvalidOddsCount',
  NothingChanged = 'NothingChanged',