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Real-time Odds Updates

Real-time Odds Updates

Subscribe for odds update

Whenever a bet is placed on an LP (Liquidity Provider) contract, a NewBet event is created, causing odds values to change. By subscribing to this event, the updated odds can be obtained.

In order to display updated odds for each outcome button in the user interface, there is a way to subscribe to the NewBet event for each button.

const coreContract = new Contract(CORE_ADDRESS, CORE_ABI, RPC_PROVIDER)
coreContract.on('NewBet', async (...args) => {
  const [ bettor, affiliate, conditionId, tokenId, outcomeId, amount, odds, funds ] = args
  eventEmitter.dispatch('OddsUpadted', {
    coreAddress: CORE_ADDRESS,
coreContract.on('OddsChanged', async (...args) => {
  const [ bettor, affiliate, conditionId, tokenId, outcomeId, amount, odds, funds ] = args
  eventEmitter.dispatch('OddsUpadted', {
    coreAddress: CORE_ADDRESS,
coreContract.on('ConditionStopped', async (...args) => {
  const [ rawConditionId, isStopped ] = args
  const conditionId = String(rawConditionId)
  eventEmitter.dispatch('ConditionStopped', {
    coreAddress: CORE_ADDRESS,
type Outcome = {
  outcomeId: string
  condition: {
    conditionId: string
    coreAddress: string
const outcome: Outcome = ...
eventEmitter.subscribe('OddsUpadted', (event) => {
  if (
    event.coreAddress === outcome.condition.coreAddress
    && event.conditionId === outcome.condition.conditionId
  ) {
    // Fetch new odds value
eventEmitter.subscribe('ConditionStopped', (event) => {
  if (
    event.coreAddress === outcome.condition.coreAddress
    && event.conditionId === outcome.condition.conditionId
  ) {
    // Based on event.isStopped, disable or enable outcome buttons

It's important to note that the conditionId and outcomeId values on different Core contracts may match. Therefore, it's important to do a check at the Core contract address.


You don't need to subscribe to express core contract. It calls OddsChanged event on core contract with every combo bet.

The information on how to fetch odds values can be found in "Get Odds Values" section.

Core Contracts

It is highly probable that you will interact with multiple core contracts simultaneously. In such cases, multiple subscribers will be required. GraphQL can be utilized to obtain a list of core contract addresses.


Filter core contracts from graphql by type. Current active type for prematch core is pre-match-v3

query CoreContracts{
    where: { liquidityPool: "<LP_ADDRESS_LOWERCASE>", type: "pre-match-v3" }
    subgraphError: allow
  ) {