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How to get Azuro score leaderboard

Get Azuro Score leaderboard

Follow this guide to fetch data required to show Azuro Score leaderboard:

If you not familiar with base concept about Azuro Score, read it here.

API reference

  • All parameters are optional.
  • API request returns 13 rows with rank 1-10, 50, 100, 500 by default.
  • API request with address param returns default range of rows and up to 5 additional rows (bettor + 2 before + 2 after) if their rank is not in the default returning range.
  • API request with address and period params (since, until) may not return additional rows if this bettor didn't get any score in this period.
  • All rows are sorted by rank.

Method, API Params and Response Types

const fetchAzuroScore = async (params?: ApiParams) => {
  const { since, until, address } = params || {}
  const { data } = await axios.get<ApiResponse>('', {
    params: {
      address: address?.toLowerCase(),
type ApiParams = {
  // MONDAY 0:00 Unix timestamp (seconds)
  since?: number
  // NEXT MONDAY 0:00 Unix timestamp (seconds)
  until?: number
  // bettor wallet address
  address?: `0x${string}`
type ApiResponse = {
  data: {
    top: {
      address: `0x${string}`
      totalScore: number
      // rewardMultiplier is:
      // number - if period data (since/until) requested
      // null - in case of total
      rewardMultiplier: number | null
      // starts from 1
      rank: number

Fetch total leaderboard

Use fetch method above without params to get total leaderboard.

Such API request returns default 13 rows (ranks: 1-10, 50, 100, 500).

// GET
const rows = await fetchAzuroScore()
/* rows:
  { rank: 1, ... },
  { rank: 2, ... },
  { rank: 9, ... },
  { rank: 10, ... },
  { rank: 50, ... },
  { rank: 100, ... },
  { rank: 500, ... },

Fetch total leaderboard including specific bettor

Use fetch method above with { address } param.

Such API request returns default 13 rows (ranks: 1-10, 50, 100, 500) and additional rows around the bettor if their rank is not in the default range.

// GET
const rows = await fetchAzuroScore({
  address: '0x52ce909243b0098a80084af3f3149309e32d9617',
/* rows:
  { rank: 1, ... },
  { rank: 2, ... },
  { rank: 9, ... },
  { rank: 10, ... },
  { rank: 50, ... },
  { rank: 100, ... },
  { rank: 500, ... },
  { rank: 504, ... }, // 2 additional rows before
  { rank: 505, ... },
  { rank: 506, address: '0x52ce909243b0098a80084af3f3149309e32d9617', ... }, // specified bettor
  { rank: 507, ... },
  { rank: 508, ... }, // 2 additional rows after

Fetch leaderboard for specific period

Use fetch method above with { since, until } params. Current Azuro Score multiplier period is WEEK, so pass MONDAY's 00:00 timestamp in seconds.

Such API request returns default 13 rows (ranks: 1-10, 50, 100, 500).

// MONDAY, 23 Oct 2023 00:00 UTC, SECONDS
const since = new Date('2023-10-23T00:00:00.000Z').getTime() / 1000
// MONDAY, 30 Oct 2023 00:00 UTC, SECONDS
const until = new Date('2023-10-30T00:00:00.000Z').getTime() / 1000
// GET
const rows = await fetchAzuroScore({
/* rows:
  { rank: 1,   rewardMultiplier: 3,   ... },
  { rank: 2,   rewardMultiplier: 3,   ... },
  { rank: 10,  rewardMultiplier: 3,   ... },
  { rank: 50,  rewardMultiplier: 2.5, ... },
  { rank: 100, rewardMultiplier: 2,   ... },
  { rank: 500, rewardMultiplier: 1.5, ... },

Fetch leaderboard for specific period including specific bettor

Use fetch method above with { since, until, address } params. Current Azuro Score multiplier period is WEEK, so pass MONDAY's 00:00 timestamp in seconds.

Such API request returns:

  • default 13 rows (ranks: 1-10, 50, 100, 500),
  • additional rows around bettor ONLY if specified bettor's address got some score in passed period.
// MONDAY, 23 Oct 2023 00:00 UTC, SECONDS
const since = new Date('2023-10-23T00:00:00.000Z').getTime() / 1000
// MONDAY, 30 Oct 2023 00:00 UTC, SECONDS
const until = new Date('2023-10-30T00:00:00.000Z').getTime() / 1000
// GET
const rows1 = await fetchAzuroScore({
  address: '0x52ce909243b0098a80084af3f3149309e32d9617', // has no score in this period
/* rows1:
  { rank: 1,   rewardMultiplier: 3,   ... },
  { rank: 2,   rewardMultiplier: 3,   ... },
  { rank: 10,  rewardMultiplier: 3,   ... },
  { rank: 50,  rewardMultiplier: 2.5, ... },
  { rank: 100, rewardMultiplier: 2,   ... },
  { rank: 500, rewardMultiplier: 1.5, ... },
  // NO additional rows because specified bettor didn't get score in this period!
// GET
const rows2 = await fetchAzuroScore({
  address: '0xcd4ddfbb49f9b6d1c6c187fa333792eccfbdf9da', // has score in this period
/* rows2:
  { rank: 1,   rewardMultiplier: 3,   ... },
  { rank: 2,   rewardMultiplier: 3,   ... },
  { rank: 10,  rewardMultiplier: 3,   ... },
  { rank: 50,  rewardMultiplier: 2.5, ... },
  { rank: 98,  rewardMultiplier: 2,   ... }, // additional row before the bettor
  { rank: 99,  rewardMultiplier: 2,   ... }, // additional row before the bettor
  { rank: 100, rewardMultiplier: 2, address: '0xcd4ddfbb49f9b6d1c6c187fa333792eccfbdf9da', ... },  // the bettor
  { rank: 101, rewardMultiplier: 1.5, ... }, // additional row after the bettor
  { rank: 102, rewardMultiplier: 1.5, ... }, // additional row after the bettor
  { rank: 500, rewardMultiplier: 1.5, ... },