Event Resolution: AzuroDAO
Unlike first-generation prediction markets which burdens the tokenholder base for all event resolutions, Azuro prediction markets operate under a tiered resolution process.
In Azuro, the Data Provider retains the right to resolve the event in good-faith. The AzuroDAO views data provider resolutions under the “innocent until proven guilty” principle: only when a resolution is disputed, then AzuroDAO may step in as the arbiter of last resort.
AZUR will be the Schelling point token in presiding over dispute resolutions, whereby voting power is assigned based on the [redacted] mechanism.

In the future, Azuro will look to leverage Web Proofs to resolve events directly from its official source (i.e., premierleague.com (opens in a new tab) to resolve Premier League markets) once Web Proofs become viable enough for practical implementation.