Case Studies
Purebet: onchain sports predictions liquidity aggregator

Purebet: the first on-chain sports predictions liquidity aggregator

Purebet, the first on-chain sports predictions liquidity aggregator, has revolutionized the betting experience by aggregating odds across multiple platforms. With a unique no-bridge, no-swap token policy, Purebet has prioritized user convenience and efficiency since its inception. This case study delves into Purebet's strategic integration with Azuro, the challenges faced, and the pivotal lessons learned that could benefit other apps in the ecosystem.

The integration with Azuro, a comprehensive betting protocol, marked a significant step toward offering unparalleled odds and a diverse league selection to its growing user base.


Purebet’s objectives were clear:

  • To streamline the betting experience across blockchains.
  • To enhance the range of betting options available to users.
  • To strategically position itself as the preferred betting platform through continuous improvement and innovation.


The integration process began with leveraging Azuro's robust subgraph and raw contract calls. Purebet focused on seamless integration, emphasizing user interface simplicity and backend efficiency.


  • Purebet was able to offer the best odds on every event, drawing from Azuro's extensive league selections.
  • The integration process highlighted the necessity of excellent documentation and support.
  • The prospect of Azuro's live betting feature promises to elevate Purebet’s live event offerings, keeping them competitive.

Strategic Impact

Purebet’s collaboration with Azuro resonates with its broader strategic goals:

  • Establishing Purebet as a market leader in offering the best odds.
  • Fostering user trust through reliable and comprehensive betting options.

Lessons Learned

  • Early and proactive integration with emerging technologies can be a game-changer.
  • Solid support and documentation from partners like Azuro are critical in navigating integration challenges.
  • Adapting to user needs and technological advancements is essential for growth.

Future Outlook

Looking ahead, Purebet anticipates that Azuro will play an integral role in its expansion, particularly in the domains of promotional low-margin leagues and live betting, ensuring that users always have access to the most competitive odds.