Errors Handling

Errors Handling


[0x70555917] UnknownCoreType()

Occurs when trying to create a Core with an unregistered type in the Factory.


Consider trying a different Betting Engine type. Currently, the Azuro owned Factory supports two Betting Engine types: "pre-match-v2" and "express-v2".

[0xd97216d0] UnknownLP()

Occurs when attempting to plug a new Core into an address that is not a Liquidity Pool created by the Factory.


Use the LP address that was deployed with this Factory on this network


[0xf41de086] BetExpired()

Triggered when the specified by user bet placement deadline has elapsed.


Make sure to place bets before the specified deadline or specify new, later deadline.

[0x61e278f4] ClaimTimeout(uint64 waitTime)

Occurs if a reward is claimed before the required waiting time (waitTime) has passed.


Wait for the specified time (waitTime) to pass before claiming a reward.

[0x324ec950] CoreNotActive()

Signifies an operation attempt by a non-active Core within the Liquidity Pool.


Use another Core.

[0xc7c9660f] DepositDoesNotExist()

Encountered when attempting to donate liquidity to non-existent liquidity deposit.


Use the ID of an existing liquidity deposit.

[0xc076a8db] GameAlreadyCanceled()

Arises when canceling a Game that already canceled.


Do not attempt to cancel a Game that has already been marked as canceled.

[0x46a9b15d] GameAlreadyCreated()

Arises when creating a Game with already registered ID.


Ensure that you use a unique and unregistered ID when creating a new Game.

[0x9b830337] GameCanceled_()

Arises when creating a Condition attached to a canceled Game.


Use the ID of the registered Game that has not been canceled

[0x87aeb83d] GameNotExists()

Signifies an attempt to interact with a non-existent Game.


Use the ID of the Game that was previously registered.

[0x5b10d6dd] IncorrectCoreState()

Raised when an incorrect core state is provided.


Specify one of these states: 1 (ACTIVE) or 2 (INACTIVE).

[0xcd3cb2bb] IncorrectFee()

Occurs when attempting to change the Fee in such a way that the total sum of all Fees exceeds 100%.


Ensure that the total sum of fees in the Liquidity Pool does not exceed 1e12 (100%).

[0xe3b4aa3e] IncorrectGameId()

Arises when creating a Game with ID zero.


Ensure that the ID provided when creating a Game is greater than zero. Zero is not a valid ID for a Game.

[0xcad66eef] IncorrectMinBet()

Occurs when the minimum bet amount is changing to zero.


Specify a higher minimum bet value.

[0xfa6bfc6d] IncorrectMinDepo()

Occurs when the minimum liquidity deposit amount is changing to zero.


Specify a higher minimum deposit value.

[0xc6e3629b] IncorrectReinforcementAbility()

Occurs when the reinforcement ability of a Core is changing to a value larger than 1e12 (100%).


Specify the lower reinforcement ability value.

[0x686c69fd] IncorrectTimestamp()

Triggered when attempting to:

  • Create a Game with a starting time that has already passed.
  • Change a Game's starting time to zero.

Specify a higher starting time value.

[0x6bac637f] LiquidityIsLocked()

Arises when there is insufficient liquidity remaining in the Liquidity Pool to cover the maximum potential payout for previously placed bets.


Specify a lower amount of liquidity for withdrawal.

[0x79c416b2:] LiquidityNotOwned()

Occurs when attempting to withdraw liquidity from a deposit that is not owned.


Use the ID of a liquidity deposit that you own.

[0x4323a555] NotEnoughLiquidity()

Occurs when attempting to place a bet with a potential payout that exceeds the available liquidity limit in the Liquidity Pool or the constraints on utilizing free liquidity within the Core used for the bet.


Place a bet with a smaller amount or betting odds or use another Core.

[0x0c6d42ae] OnlyFactory()

Indicates that a function can only be called by the Factory to which the Liquidity Pool belongs.


Do not try to call this function.

[0x2fb3e827] SmallBet()

Occurs when attempting to place a bet with an amount lower than the established limit.


Specify a higher bet amount.

[0x20d3137f] SmallDepo()

Occurs when attempting to deposit liquidity with an amount lower than the established limit.


Specify a higher deposit amount.

[0x5c9ff7c5] SmallDonation()

Occurs when attempting to donate zero amount of liquidity.


Specify a higher donation amount.

[0xace41f2c] UnknownCore()

Occurs when an operation is attempted with an unknown Core in the Liquidity Pool.


Use the Core address that was deployed with this Factory on this network for this Liquidity Pool.

[0x7951e672] WithdrawalTimeout(uint64 waitTime)

Triggered when attempting to withdraw liquidity before the waiting time (waitTime) for a deposit has passed.


Wait for the specified waiting time (waitTime) to elapse before attempting to withdraw liquidity from a deposit.


[0xd70a0e30] AlreadyPaid()

Raised when attempting to withdraw or view the payout for a bet that has already been paid out.


Use the ID of a bet that is has not already been paid.

[0xf67321e5] BetNotExists()

Occurs when attempting to withdraw or view payout for a bet that does not exist.


Use the ID of an existing bet.

[0x17d65839] CantChangeFlag()

Triggered when attempting to:

  • Pause or resume a Condition that has already been resolved or canceled, or the Game associated with it has been canceled.
  • Pause a Condition that is paused.
  • Resume a Condition that is not paused.

Follow these rules for changing the pause/resume status of a Condition:

  • Do not pause or resume a Condition that has already been resolved or canceled.
  • Do not pause a Condition that is already paused.
  • Do not resume a Condition that is not paused.

[0xa9e7a90b] ConditionAlreadyCreated()

Arises when creating a Condition with already registered ID.


Ensure that you use a unique and unregistered ID when creating a new Condition.

[0xd81005a7] ConditionAlreadyResolved()

Occurs when attempting to resolve a Condition that has already been resolved.


Do not attempt to resolve a Condition that has already been marked as resolved.

[0x08c7dc1b] ConditionNotExists()

Signifies an attempt to interact with a non-existent Condition.


Ensure that the Condition you are trying to interact with exists and is registered in the Core.

[0xacb88053] ConditionNotFinished()

Raised when attempting to view or withdraw payout of a bet for a Condition that is not yet finished.


Wait until the Condition is finished before accessing its payouts.

[0x95c1a60f] ConditionNotRunning()

Occurs when trying to place a bet on a Condition that:

  • Has been resolved, canceled or paused.
  • The Game associated with it is already started.
  • The Game associated with it has been canceled.

Make sure you do not attempt to place a bet on a Condition that falls into one of the mentioned scenarios. Ensure that the Condition is in a valid state for placing bets.

[0x1d8a6830] DuplicateOutcomes(uint64 outcomeId)

Thrown when trying to create a Condition with a list of outcomes that contains a duplicate outcome with ID outcomeId.


Ensure that the list of outcomes provided when creating a Condition does not contain any duplicate outcome IDs.

[0xba26162b] GameAlreadyStarted()

Raised when attempting to create a new Condition for a Game that has already started.


Do not attempt to create a new Condition for a Game that has already started. Check the status of the Game before creating a Condition associated with it.

[0x46286c22] IncorrectConditionId()

Arises when creating a Condition with zero ID.


Ensure that the ID provided when creating a Condition is greater than zero. Zero is not a valid ID for a Condition.

[0xbfa25e5a] IncorrectMargin()

Occurs when attempting to set the margin of a Condition to a value greater than 1e12 (100%).


Ensure that the margin value of a Condition does not exceed 1e12 (100%).

[0xefa40393] IncorrectOdds()

Occurs when:

  • Odds calculated for a bet is less than the minimum odds value provided with that bet.
  • The probability of one of the outcomes within the Condition becomes less than 0.1% as a result of placing a bet.

Follow these rules:

  • Ensure that the calculated odds for a bet are equal to or greater than the minimum odds value provided.
  • Avoid placing bets that would result in an outcome's probability falling below 0.1%.

[0xd2326e2b] IncorrectOutcomesCount()

Occurs when attempting to create a Condition with the number of outcomes not within the range of 2 to 20.


Create a Condition with a number of outcomes between 2 and 20.

[0xbd2b46cb] IncorrectReinforcement()

Occurs when attempting to change a reinforcement of a Condition in a way that would insufficiently cover the maximum potential payouts for bets placed on the Condition.


Ensure that changes to a Condition's reinforcement provide sufficient coverage for the maximum potential payouts of bets placed on that Condition.

[0x5e52656b] IncorrectWinningOutcomesCount()

Occurs when the specified winning outcomes for a Condition is not in the range from one to one less than the Condition total outcomes.


To address this error, when specifying winning outcomes for a Condition, make sure they fall within the range from one to one less than the total outcomes of the Condition.

[0xd44b3c62] InsufficientFund()

Occurs when attempting to change a reinforcement of a Condition in a way that would insufficiently cover the funds of the Condition.


Ensure that any changes to the reinforcement of a Condition provide adequate coverage for the funds associated with that Condition.

[0x7bcde10b] NoPendingReward()

Thrown when attempting to claim a reward, but there is no pending reward to claim.


Make sure there is a pending reward available before attempting to claim it.

[0x06923abf] NothingChanged()

Occurs when attempting to change a reinforcement of a Condition to the same value.


Ensure that any changes made to the reinforcement are different from the current value.

[0xdad84f8f] OnlyLp()

Indicates that a function can only be called by the Liquidity Pool to which the PrematchCore belongs.


Do not try to call this function.

[0xf432bce9] OnlyOracle(address)

Raised when to resolve Condition by an address that is not it's oracle.


Ensure that you resolving a Condition from an address that crated it.

[0xb6f9f890] OutcomesAndOddsCountDiffer()

Occurs when the number of outcomes and odds provided for a Condition do not match.


Ensure that the number of outcomes specified for a Condition matches the number of odds provided.

[0x131d0781] ResolveTooEarly(uint64 waitTime)

Thrown when attempting to resolve a Condition before its Game start time plus one minute has passed.


Wait until at least one minute after the Game start time before attempting to resolve a Condition.

[0x8218e4b2] WrongOutcome()

This error is raised when trying to interact with non-existent outcome of a Condition.


Verify that the outcome you are trying to interact with exists within the Condition.

[0xe1df1b79] ZeroOdds()

Occurs when the odds provided for a Condition is zero.


Do not specify odds of zero for a Condition.


[0xd70a0e30] AlreadyPaid()

Raised when attempting to withdraw or view the payout for a combo bet that has already been paid out.


Ensure that you do not attempt to withdraw or view the payout for a combo bet that has already been paid out.

[0xf67321e5] BetNotExists()

Occurs when attempting to withdraw or view payout for a combo bet that does not exist.


Make sure the combo bet you are trying to access exists.

[0x816ea2d4] ConditionNotFinished(uint256 conditionId)

Thrown when trying to withdraw or view payout for a combo bet, but the Condition with ID conditionId in the combo has not yet concluded.


Ensure that each Condition has resolved or canceled or associated with game is canceled before accessing the combo bet payout.

[0x0912073c] ConditionNotForExpress()

Occurs when trying to place a combo bet with a Condition that is marked as forbidden for it.


Only use Conditions that have a property isForExpress = true when creating a combo bet.

[0xec8043e0] ConditionNotRunning(uint256 conditionId)

Occurs when trying to place a combo bet with a Condition with ID conditionId that:

  • Has been resolved, canceled or paused.
  • The Game associated with it is already started.
  • The Game associated with it has been canceled.

Do not include Conditions that have been resolved, canceled, or associated with games that are already in progress or canceled.

[0x7c36c886] IncorrectMaxOdds()

Thrown when trying to make the maximum odds value for combo bets less than 1e12 (1.000000000000).


Ensure that the maximum odds value for combo bets is set to a value equal to or greater than 1e12 (1.000000000000).

[0x4b4dc673] LargeOdds()

Occurs when the odds for a combo bet exceeding the established maximum odds value.


Ensure that the odds for combo bets do not exceed the maximum odds value.

[0xdad84f8f] OnlyLp()

Indicates that a function can only be called by the Liquidity Pool to which the BetExpress belongs.


Do not try to call this function.

[0x24d2b6d6] SameGameIdsNotAllowed()

Thrown when in a combo bet there are multiple sub-bets for Conditions with the same Game ID.


Ensure that there are no multiple sub-bets within a combo bet that are associated with Conditions having the same Game ID.

[0xfd25ed88] SmallOdds()

Odds calculated for a combo bet is less than the minimum odds value provided with that bet.


Make sure that the calculated odds for a combo bet are equal to or greater than the minimum odds value specified as the minimum odds.

[0x46980695] TooLargeReinforcement(uint256 conditionId)

Occurs when the payouts depending on the outcome of the Condition with ID conditionId exceed the maximum value as a result of placing a combo bet.


Place a combo bet with smaller amount or odds or do not use a Condition with ID conditionId in your bet.

[0xb70028af] TooFewSubbets()

Raised when the number of sub-bets within a combo bet is less than two.


Ensure that a combo bet includes a minimum of two sub-bets.


[0xd2ade556] IncorrectValue()

This error is raised when the value sent in the bet function doesn't match the total amount of bids to be paid. The total value should match the total amount of bets.


Verify that the amount you're sending is correct and aligned with the total value of the bets you intend to place.


[0x694f23ea] AccessNotGranted()

Thrown when a caller has no access to a specific function of a contract.


Ensure that the caller has the necessary access permissions to call the specific function of the contract. Grant the required access rights to the caller, or check if the caller meets the access criteria for that function.

[0x6b898b9f] MaxRolesReached()

Raised when the maximum number of contract roles (limited to 256) is reached.


Reutilize existing roles, redefining their access rights. Also you may need to review your role management strategy to stay within the 256-role limit.

[0x59dc379f] NotTokenOwner()

Raised when the caller attempts to burn a token that they do not own or for which they are not an approved operator.


Ensure that the caller either owns the token or has been approved as an operator for the token before attempting to perform actions such as burning.

[0xa810f304] RoleAlreadyGranted()

Raised when an attempt is made to grant a role to an account that already has the role.


Ensure that you do not attempt to grant a role to an account that already possesses the same role.


[0xdc96dfde] OnlyCore()

Indicates that a function can only be called by the Core to which the AzuroBet belongs.


Do not try to call this function.