GraphQL Queries
Sports, Leagues, Countries Entities
Country Entity

Country Entity


Represents a country in Azuro's ecosystem. It is linked to a sport and contains information about leagues, games, and the betting turnover within the country.


Use this entity to group games and leagues by country, and display turnover data for each region. If you're building a market that allows users to explore games based on location, this entity is the one to use.


idID!Unique identifier for the country.
nameString!Name of the country.
slugString!URL-friendly slug for the country.
sportSport!Reference to the sport associated with the country.
leagues[League!]! @derivedFromList of leagues in the country.
hasActiveLeaguesBoolean!Indicates if the country has active leagues.
activeLeaguesEntityIds[String!]List of active league IDs.
turnoverBigInt!Turnover value of the country based on betting activity. Useful for sorting