GraphQL Queries
Games & Conditions Entities
LiveCondition Entity

LiveCondition Entity


Represents a live betting condition for a game. It tracks real-time status, outcomes, and turnover, and is associated with a core contract and specific game.


Allows you to track conditions in real-time.


idID!Unique identifier for the live condition (Core contract address + Condition ID).
coreCoreContract!Reference to the core contract associated with the condition.
coreAddressString!Address of the core contract.
conditionIdBigInt!Numeric identifier of the condition.
gameIdBigInt!Numeric identifier of the game associated with the condition.
outcomes[LiveOutcome!]! @derivedFromList of live outcomes related to this condition.
outcomesIds[BigInt!]List of outcome IDs related to this condition.
wonOutcomes[LiveOutcome!]List of outcomes that have been won.
wonOutcomeIds[BigInt!]List of IDs for won outcomes.
statusConditionStatus!Status of the condition (Created, Resolved, Canceled, or Paused).
turnoverBigInt!Total turnover generated by the condition.
createdBlockNumberBigInt!Block number when the condition was created.
createdBlockTimestampBigInt!Timestamp of the block when the condition was created.
createdTxHashString!Transaction hash for the creation of the condition.
resolvedBlockNumberBigIntBlock number when the condition was resolved.
resolvedBlockTimestampBigIntTimestamp of the block when the condition was resolved.
resolvedTxHashStringTransaction hash for the resolution of the condition.