GraphQL Queries
Smart Contract Entities
LiquidityPoolContract Entity

LiquidityPoolContract Entity


Represents the main contract that manages liquidity pools in Azuro. It handles the funds for bets, calculates TVL (Total Value Locked), and is responsible for storing information about the liquidity state.


This entity is helpful if you want to manage or display information about the total funds in a liquidity pool, track the number of bets placed, or calculate the current TVL. It's ideal for building dashboards that display liquidity metrics and pool performance over time.


idID!Unique identifier for the liquidity pool.
chainIdInt!Blockchain identifier where the pool resides.
addressString!On-chain address of the liquidity pool contract.
cores[CoreContract!]!References to associated core contracts.
coreAddresses[String!]List of core contract addresses.
typeLiquidityPoolContractType!Type of the liquidity pool, either V1 or V2.
tokenString!Token used in the pool, such as USDT.
tokenDecimalsInt!Decimal precision of the token.
assetString!Asset type, indicating the type of liquidity.
betsAmountBigInt!Total value of bets placed.
betsCountBigInt!Total number of bets.
wonBetsAmountBigInt!Value of bets that won.
wonBetsCountBigInt!Number of bets that won.
firstCalculatedBlockNumberBigInt!Blockchain block number when calculations started.
lastCalculatedBlockNumberBigInt!Block number for the latest calculations.
daysSinceDeploymentBigInt!Total days since the pool was deployed.
depositedAmountBigInt!Total value deposited in the pool.
withdrawnAmountBigInt!Total value withdrawn from the pool.
rawTvlBigInt!Raw calculation of the TVL (Total Value Locked).
tvlBigDecimal!Formatted TVL value for display.
nfts[LiquidityPoolNft!]!References to NFTs that represent user positions in the pool.
liquidityManagerStringAddress of the pool's liquidity manager.
depositedWithStakingAmountBigInt!Amount deposited with staking incentives.
withdrawnWithStakingAmountBigInt!Amount withdrawn from staked positions.