Bettor data
Filter bettors by your affiliate address to examine user behavior, betting patterns, and engagement levels. It's a powerful tool to understand the impact of your platform on bettor activity.
query Bettors {
where: {
affiliate: "0x...a6"
) {
. . .
Bettor entity ID = LP Contract address + affiliate address + bettor address
Attribute | Type | Description | Category |
id | ID! | Unique identifier for the bettor entity. | ID |
address | String! | Bettor's blockchain address. | |
affiliate | String! | Frontend or affiliate address. | |
betsCount | Int! | Total number of bets (including cancelled and resolved). | Bets Analytics |
settledBetsCount | Int! | Number of resolved bets. | |
wonBetsCount | Int! | Number of bets won. | |
lostBetsCount | Int! | Number of bets lost. | |
canceledBetsCount | Int! | Number of bets cancelled. | |
redeemedBetsCount | Int! | Number of bets where winnings have been claimed. | |
rawTurnover | BigInt! | Total wagered amount in raw format. | Financial Metrics |
turnover | BigDecimal! | Total wagered amount in decimal format. | |
rawInBets | BigInt! | Locked bet amount in raw format. | |
inBets | BigDecimal! | Locked bet amount in decimal format. | |
rawToPayout | BigInt! | Amount pending payout in raw format. | |
toPayout | BigDecimal! | Amount pending payout in decimal format. | |
rawTotalPayout | BigInt! | Total payouts for cancelled/won bets in raw format. | |
totalPayout | BigDecimal! | Total payouts for cancelled/won bets in decimal format. | |
rawBiggestBetAmount | BigInt! | Largest bet amount in raw format. | Largest Bet and Payout |
biggestBetAmount | BigDecimal! | Largest bet amount in decimal format. | |
rawBiggestPayout | BigInt! | Largest payout in raw format. | |
biggestPayout | BigDecimal! | Largest payout in decimal format. | |
rawAvgBetAmount | BigInt! | Average bet amount in raw format. | Averages and Profitability |
avgBetAmount | BigDecimal! | Average bet amount in decimal format. | |
rawTotalProfit | BigInt! | Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR) in raw format. | |
totalProfit | BigDecimal! | GGR in decimal format. | |
pnl | BigDecimal! | Profit and Loss (PNL) percentage. | |
_updatedAt | BigInt! | Timestamp of the last update to the entity's data. | Metadata |